Gov’t allocates Rs1230 mln for Law & Justice Division’s schemes

ISLAMABAD, Jun 12 (APP): The Federal Government has allocated Rs1230 million under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for nine ongoing and one new development scheme of Ministry of Law and Justice Division for the fiscal year of 2024-25.

According to the budgetary document released on Wednesday, the federal government allocated Rs 100 million for a new scheme of re-modelling and Up-gradation Work of Federal Judicial Academy Islamabad.

The government allocated an amount of Rs 1130 million for the nine ongoing schemes including the construction of Litigants Facilitation Center For Litigants of District Courts in Sector G-10/1, Islamabad, at a cost of Rs 500 million, construction of Legal Facilitation Center, Islamabad High Court at a cost of Rs 300 million, Rs 143 million is allocated for automation of federal courts/tribunals (Phase-II) (Revised), Rs 50 million for federal courts/tribunals complex at Lahore and Rs 50 million for new building for Supreme Court, Branch Registry at Karachi.

Similarly, Rs32 million are allocated for establishment of ICT Enabled Libraries at Federal Judicial Complexes Islamabad and Peshawar while Rs31 million for strengthening and capacity Enhancement of Legal Wings of Ministry of Law and Justice and Federal Ministries /Divisions.

Furthermore, the government allocated Rs16 million for the strengthening of Planning & Monitoring Unit in Ministry of Law and Justice, Islamabad (Revised) and Rs 8 million for Archiving and Digitization of Legislations and Record of the law ministry.